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NGI Talk #5: The decentralized economy (CANCELED)
December 3, 2019 @ 16:00 - 18:00

With the increasing interconnection of everything and the increasing computational capabilities available at hand, new distributed architectures for our digital infrastructures and ecosystems are constantly emerging.
While we have seen a shift from mainframe computers to PCs in the ninetieth of the last century, followed by the rise of the clouds and mobile devices in the early 2000s, we are now facing a shift from traditional network structures to dynamic and flexible connections that enable players to cooperate without the need for central intermediates.
Given these developments, traditional organization patterns and processes are no longer applicable. This is specifically true for the financial sector where crypto currencies enable to transfer money without the need for any intermediates (banks).
In this session of the NGI-Talks we will discuss how decentralization will effect our financial systems and businesses, what developments we can expect in the future, and which risks we have to face. The three impuls talks will address decentralisation from the economical, the organisational, and the regulatory point-of-view. Afterwards, we will discuss how these developments may impact our future economy and what challenges we will have to face.
- Impulse Talk #1: Economy – “Digital Futures of Trade and Economic Cooperation in Eurasia”, Speaker: Dr. Elene Rovenskaya, IIASA
- Impulse Talk #2: Organisation – “The impact of blockchain/DTL on financial markets and business processes”, Speaker: Univ. Prof. Dr. Horst Treiblmaier, Modul Univiersity Vienna
- Impulse Talk #3: Regulation – “Financial Technology and forthcoming regulatory challenges”, Speaker: Maximilan Flesch, Ministry of Finance
- Panel Discussion– moderated panel discussion with all participants
Moderator: Mario Drobics (AIT) - Get Together – Networking and room for discussion with snacks and drinks
Dr. Elena Rovenskaya is Program Director of the Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. Currently she also serves as acting Program Director of IIASA’s Evolution and Ecology (EEP) program. She has background in applied mathematics and computer science. Her scientific interests lie in the fields of optimization, decision sciences and mathematical modeling of complex socio-environmental systems. As the ASA director, Dr. Rovenskaya is leading a team of 35+ scientists who employ latest developments in applied mathematics and modeling to inform decisions dealing with exceedingly complex, highly volatile, and inherently uncertain natural and human-made systems of the modern age.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Horst Treiblmaier promovierte (2001) und habilitierte (2006) in Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftsinformatik an der WU Wien. Er arbeitet als Professor für Internationales Management und ist Leiter des gleichnamigen Departments an der Modul University in Wien. Hr. Treiblmaier ist Autor von mehr als 130 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und war als Gastprofessor unter anderem an der University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of British Columbia (UBC) und Purdue University tätig. Seine derzeitigen Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Blockchain und Kryptoökonomie. Neben seiner wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit arbeitet Horst Treiblmaier im Vorstand der „City of Blockchain“ und in der Arbeitsgruppe „Blockchain for Cities“ (B4C) der UN Initiatve „United 4 Smart Sustainable Cities“ (U4SSC).
Maximilian Flesch is a Legal Advisor in the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance. He specializes in Payment Services, Banking Recovery and Resolution and FinTechs. Previously, Mr Flesch worked as an associate in corporate law at PHH attorneys before joining the European Affairs Department of Land Salzburg where he was Deputy Head of Unit focussing on budget and economic affairs based in Brussels, Belgium. Mr Flesch holds a law degree of the University of Vienna with a specialisation in European Union Law
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