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NGI Talk #2: Digital Trust
March 26, 2019 @ 16:00 - 18:00
Please find the full report on this event in the according news post.
Over the last decade networks have transformed from hierarchical (e.g. client-server architectures) to interlaced structures. One key driver of this development is the internet of things. This development strongly influences the design of our digital and non-digital infrastructure (e.g. Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, etc.). With many separated entities exchanging (critical) information and their connection to the physical world, trust becomes a highly valuable resource in these networks.
In this talk we want to discuss what we understand when we talk about trust, how trust is created, and how it will influence our future networks and infrastructures. Is there one solution to rule them all, or is trust an emergent property of the network?
- Impulse Talk #1: Introduction – IoT ist gut, Vertrauen ist besser – Remarks on Digital Trust
Speaker: Prof. Peter Reichl (Univ. Wien)
- Impulse Talk #2: Technologies – Can distributed concepts like blockchain solve the trust problem in the future internet and what would be alternatives? (slides)
Speaker: Bernhard Haslhofer (AIT) - Impulse Talk #3: Liability – How is responsibility / liability handled in digital networks? (slides)
Speaker: Prof. Erich Schweighofer (Univ. Wien)
- Panel Discussion – Discuss the topic with the speakers
Moderator: Martin Szelgrad (Report Verlag) - Get Together – Continue your discussions with drinks and snacks
Peter Reichl (Univ. Wien) has been studying mathematics, physics and philosophy in Munich and Cambridge (UK). After finishing his PhD studies in Computer Science at RWTH Aachen and ETH Zurich, he became Key Researcher at FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria, where he was responsible for the research area “User-centered Interaction and Communication Economics”. Dr. Reichl has published more than 100 journal and conference papers in the areas of telecommunication economics, user perception of telecommunication services and Quality-of-Experience, next generation networks, and future mobile networks and services. Following his habilitation at TU Graz, he became holder of the SISCOM and RBUCE WEST International Research Chairs on “Network-based Information and Communication Ecosystems” (NICE) at Université Européenne de Bretagne/INRIA/Télécom Bretagne in Rennes, France.
In 2011, Peter Reichl was appointed Professor for Networking Technology at Aalto University Helsinki, Finland, and since 2013 he is Full Professor for Computer Science and head of the Research Group “Cooperative Systems (COSY)” at the University of Vienna.
Bernhard Haslhofer (AIT) currently works as a Senior Scientist at AIT’s Digital Insight Lab. His research interest lies in finding and applying quantitative methods for gaining new insights from large-scale, connected datasets. He often acts as bridge researcher between fields and contributes practical methods and tools drawn from machine learning, network analytics, and text mining. His current research topics are: Cryptocurrency Analytics, Predictive Maintenance, and Knowledge Graph Engineering.
Erich Schweighofer (Univ. Wien) ist International anerkannter Experte auf allen Gebieten der Rechtsinformatik; Europa- und Völkerrechtler.
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