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NGI Talk #1: Data Privacy
November 27, 2018 @ 16:00 - 18:00

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With the ongoing digitalization of every daylife, data has become the valuable resource of the future. Every user of the internet is generating and storing huge amounts of data on a daily basis. With the GDPR, the European Union aimed to give back users the control over their data.
In this first NGI Talk we want to discuss if this goal has been achieved, how users can take active control over their data, and what this means to the underlying business models. In three impulse talks, given by invited experts, different dimensions of data protection will be addressed. Afterwards, there will be ample opportunity for further discussion during an informal get-together with snacks and drinks provided by AIT and OVE.
- Impulse Talk #1: Value – What is the value of data and how does privacy influence the related business models? [slides]
Speaker: Axel Quitt (T-Systems, Partner of Data Market Austria) - Impulse Talk #2: Protection – How can data be protected while still allowing to share? [slides]
Speaker: Thomas Lorünser (AIT) - Impulse Talk #3: Policy – What does GDPR mean for the protection of (private) data and where are we going from here? [slides]
Speaker: Christof Tschohl (RI) - Panel Discussion – Discuss the topic with the speakers
Moderator: Mario Drobics (AIT) - Get Together – Continue your discussions with drinks and snacks
Axel Quitt (T-Systems) accomplished his studies in Electronics and Economics at Technical University in Vienna. Starting his career as Hardware developer he headed into supporting innovative startups with Venture Capital and management capabilities. Since more than 20 years he provides consultancy regarding to Business Intelligence, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. He currently acts as Senior Sales Manager for BigData Platforms at T-Systems Austria.
Thomas Lorünser (AIT) is a scientist and team leader in AIT’s Center for Digital Safety & Security with a strong background in digitization, IT security and applied cryptography. He is also an experienced and certified project manager (zPM) and during the past 15 years he successfully acquired and managed various national and international research projects from medium to large scale. Recently he coordinated the EU funded H2020 research project PRISMACLOUD.eu comprising 16 international partners. He is a Certified System Security Professional (CISSP) and teaches selected topics in Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and IT Security as lecturer at two universities of applied sciences. With his expertise he is also actively contributing to security standards in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, JTC1/SC27) and consulting the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) in security topics for Cloud Computing.
Christof Tschohl (RI) ist Nachrichtentechniker und Jurist mit Spezialisierung auf IT Recht sowie Grund und Menschenrechte. Seit Ende 2012 ist er hauptberuflich als wissenschaftlicher Leiter und Gesellschafter des Forschungs- und Beratungsunternehmens Research Institute AG & Co KG – Zentrum für digitale Menschenrechte bzw. Smart.Rights.Consulting tätig. Im technischen und rechtlichen Fokus sind die Themen Datenschutz und Datensicherheit bzw. Informationssicherheit, Cybercrime und Medien- sowie E-Commerce-Recht, insbesondere nach dem neuen Grundsatz „Privacy by Design“ und begleitender Technikfolgenabschätzung [read more]
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